Missions Shelters for God's stars
On Common Ground

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This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

Our Mission

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Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

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Another Great Idea

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Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

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More books on the Revelation of the Word of God



This is a very close subject to my heart. Fore which I feel for those not only less fortunate than I am at this stage in my life, but those that are lost and seeking a place. One of my favorite songs is I need an Angel I believe is the title. Which Reuben is the singer? That is what a mission is a place which angels are sent to find those seeking for rest.

  The word mission means :( origin mid 16th cent. (denoting the sending of the Holy Spirit into the world): from Latinisms(n-), from mitered send): the vocation or calling of a religious organization, esp. a Christian one to go out into the world and spread its faith (The New Oxford American Dictionary (which has more than one definition of the word) or  an organized effort to spread the Christian faith.(Britannica, Encyclopedia Concise also have many definitions)  Interesting that even the secular world looks toward the faith community to define such a word.

  The mission in which will be referred to in this section is shelters for which non profit organizations could start within their on community. Information in the area most focus on is Indiana esp. the city of Gary which is my home town.

Programs, Starting and functions of Missions

First and foremost if anyone is looking for listing of missions, or shelters provided in the Indiana area here is a website, that gives descriptions as well as what the program consist of Indiana Shelters address, www.vba.gov/ro/indianapolis/documents/indshelter-pdf#search=shelters%20Gary%20Indiana .

  Now shelters we know is not anyone plan, but because of the various attacks on people and different heart breaks or what some call bad breaks that calls some to become homeless. This is a very dangerous place to be. Shelters are needed as much as the church is needed in some areas. Due to the high rate of drug use in certain areas. As well as down sizing in the job market or several of reasons. Within the community of faith we have a tender heart for this need as well as a duty to provide for those that can not provide for them.

  Before taking on such a project be sure that you understand that this is not an easy task. As well as within your area the fight against the housing of this population will create great resistance. So search out your own community first. Within churches starting such a task is simply doing your home work and understanding that your 501-3c covers such an entity within the boundaries of the law. If not I suggest that you either do one or two things. Rewrite the 501-3c mission statement or create an outside entity that will come through the main umbrella of the organization. To provide jobs within the community as well as training and out reach programs.

Within the few sections we will look at the different areas of this. From how to develop your 501-3c. To creating the proper programs that are suitable in your area. As well as food services donation and constant outreach program within your communities

Funding an Effectiveness

With any organization the biggest problem is the ability to fund the project. As well as keeping funds on hand for the day to day expenses to maintain the building as well functioning of the organizations agenda. Within the field of the non-for-profit organization is the filtering of the funds back into the organization. Which is basically the easy part, the hard part is getting the funds to come in on a steady flow. As well as the ability to offer new diverse ways to create more funds for more usage.

  Within Mission, or Shelters the funds are gather by the different programs that are offered, as well as the stages of the program due to the degree of professional help. As well as suitable contributors to the organization. Here's a well kept secret as believers of faith we forget about the verse that the "wicked will store up their riches for the righteous". This is true particular in this area because now within the government there are many different programs, as well as resources to tap into. Which will also be looked at for a since or reference and guide for knowledge.