What Counseling Service we offer
On Common Ground

Our Services and Contact Numbers

This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

Our Mission

What Counseling Service we offer

Contributions and Donations

Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room

Another Great Idea

International Groups/ Help Programs

Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

Help and Research Page

Game Room

Movie House

Guest Book Page

Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


We offer all of our counseling online as well and many areas of counseling. Within certain areas we will be building facilities to house women, men and a battered women shelter and the homeless. To check in your area called and 1-888-370-2831and leave message detail message someone will contact you. Here is just some of the counseling we are providing have any questions call or email us.




Chemical Dependency Counseling Out Patient (Court Ordered as well)


  Each individual will be address as a separate person not as a group of addictive personality. Truly we understand that each person will reveal some of the same traits as well as the same cycle of destruction but we know as well persons ability to grasp the difficulties in recovering are different. With a tailor made program that will challenge as well as inform and prepare person within all three areas of their lives to have victory each day over their personal addiction. Our program will cover many areas as well as a time frame for which is required by the law to be an acceptable time frame for introductory into recovery. We will never ignore personnel needs to fulfill a time frame in other words we no that some need more time than others this is where we go beyond and above in our service to cover that person until they feel strong enough to stand on their own. Of course there will be groups required testing as well as all reporting back to the assigning agency as well as recommendation unto the different situation for the best results that is needed to acquire the best results. So our out line will be as so


Examination: by physician or attending physician of the client.

This gives us a history as well as the other medication that is possible need to address certain physical damage by the abuse as well as a physical understanding of the client. What is capable to do certain things or not do certain things. As long as the medication is described by the physician we will except as well as certain medication will cause certain accountability as well as recommendations unto the doctor about altering. This has to be done within the first week of coming into the program.


Counselor Assigned: which is a personnel contact for the client but will have a team effort that will be involved in there treatment.

The counselor will take a look at the assign physicians’ orders and determine the best course of technique that will grasps the best result for their recovery. We will have several tools that will be at the counselor reach that together you and he/she will be to design a full impact program that will offer you the greatest result. Certain things will automatically be assigning and then there will be other things that are elective as well as offered to give more an abundantly service that will enhance the counseling process. The tools that will be used are:

One on one counseling: This will be automatically assigned but this might not be with your assigned counselor at all times because of the cross checking of assuring that you are been taking proper care of by way of progressing in the recovery process. As well as some might be more advance and more proficient in other areas than others.

Group Counseling Sessions: For some this will be automatically assigned to some and not others and will be strongly suggested for others. This will be for the effects of monitoring action within a group as well as participation and helping of each other. The will be supervised by a counselor as well as holds the same privacy laws as an one on one session.

Outside Group Counseling: Here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. have nothing against any group or organization that has a track record of helping those that are seeking recovery within there own particular methods. Such groups will be recognized as well as used to over extra help within the Chemical Abuse area. We will as well be keeping track and recording attendance of such meetings to show accurate participation to the governing entity.

Schooling and Training: We understand the need for those that spent most of their life being caught up in the grip of their addiction and had lost the ability to have the proper skill to produce a functional work ethic as well as skills need to perform certain task because lack of training. Here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. we will use all the resources of the area a well as implicating different training programs and internships to give our clients the best possible fighting chance of supporting themselves. We will also be looking at creating different entities to have capability to utilize the talent and the personnel that are clients in different areas. We will also tap into the different organizations within the community that have training programs and GED training to enable our clients to move forward and become productive.


Financial Help and Training: We know that we have to be able to help those to sustain in the particular place where they are in order to take advantage of our services. So we will constantly be searching the community for different programs that supply different funding for our clients to maintain the living that will be necessary to move forward and become more financially secure. We also will help to create financial plans to help one work the resources they already have as well as making short terms goals and long term goals. We will also be looking into grant programs that is within the area and government to increase the flow of revenue so that we can extend such financial help as well. This will also include looking into different forms of transportation for the client within our own transportation to help get to different appointments as well as public transportation. This will help our clients to become more effective in their responsibilities as well as help maintain the position for which they are reaching for.

Volunteer Program: This will be the tool for which will help stress the need of different skills needed to be able to stay on a job as well as open doors for a job. Also we feel here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. that this will give the client the opportunity to give back into the community for which they have taken from as well as add pride and dignity back to some that has lost their place in the community due to the struggle of chemical abuse. We will have various business that have volunteer service that we will place clients once we feel that this client is able and proven themselves unto the counselor as well as the Unit Supervisor that they are ready to enter back into the society for which they came.

Group Outings: This particular area will be some volunteer bases as well as some will have to be  participation for which we use to bring one into the community as a group to introduce different cultural or different types of entertainment to replace the time lost in the chemical abuse whole effort. We will use this particular area as well to show how to study as well as how to use the different organization around as well as enjoy some of the areas different events.

Special Projects: This will be use as different searches to attempt to find hidden talent within our cliental. This will be used also to create different group projects to express themselves as a group as well as individual expression. We feel this will give the clients the ability to realize who they truly are as well as being able to understand that which is deep within them once they are able to face it by way of the project. These projects shall vary from painting to writing to participating in workshops as well as creating some projects between the groups and the individual.

Home Participation and Visitation: Some times we will use the visitation to come within ones home for understanding the surroundings for which this client faces everyday. We will also use this to help one build good protection skills of their homes and their selves so that they can become stronger with their recovery. This will also offer personalized interaction with counselor and client to show that the participation of the counselor is to place the client in the number one position as well as offer above and extra help in areas within the community as well as personnel attention. Also we will use this particular area to show the skills of entertaining and preparation of interviews for jobs and work on areas that are in need of special attention.

Match Making and Partnership: This area will take younger and older within the process of recovery and bring them together to create a partnership as well as an accountability of one and another. This will give one the responsibility to give back to another as well as to remember where they came from and how far they have to go. The power in coming together with another that is able to connect to another that truly understand from where they came because this person came from the same place they are. Also this will be someone they can relate to with an awesome impact of personnel that can be contacted with sincere regards to their where fare.

Hotline Service: This service will be offered to all so that they can use this first before they return back for which they came. Even if it is to the extreme to come in and just sit around watch television or just being in a safe environment to make it through to the next day. We here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. the need to be available through out the entire day so that our clients have all the tools needed to make it through one day. This service will offer phone talk or if needed someone to come unto them as well as come down to the office and just sit and talk or even just visit our website and watch movies or even online meetings as well as group services.

Spiritual or Religious Classes: This will only be offered to those that want this particular area for which we will have services as well as different teachings from the Bible. Our ultimate goal is to bring all unto the Body of Christ Jesus but we also know that we are not to force Him by way of pushing the Bible down some one throat. We will show it by way of love and compassion for the client for them to ask about this particular service. This service do not replace known of the others nor go for or against anyone participating this is a volunteering service that we offer for the clients that want to be apart of this. For which this will be the spiritual training for which we believe is most essential area of all. This could be onsite as well as visiting other churches in the area and participating in area churches events and being apart of different religious organization.


  These are the twelve areas for which we will be concentrating own from the building point of view of the treatment within the counseling in the chemical dependence area. Now there will be some cross referencing with the inpatient and out patient classes or sessions. The participation of the client is very necessary for counseling to work. We here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. knows that each person is different so we have many things as well as many resources to create a personnel program for them as well as being willing to research things that we do not offer together with the client to bring fullness of their recovery process. Constantly at morning meetings client’s situations will be brought up if difficulties are arising to brain storm together to reach the best choice for the client. Each area will be designed to give the client the experience of love understanding and a special gift of seeing that some cares for them in their process of recovery until they are able to care for themselves. We also know that there are difficulties especially in long term use of different mental disorders and physical disorders so we know that we will have to take extra measure of helping with clothing and other things. This will be part of the counseling service to be able to go out in the community and search for the things needed as well as Spiritual Awareness Inc. positioning itself to where we have that particular service at our reach.

  Out Patient Counseling is for 16 weeks and Inpatient Service is 6-9 months depending on the situation. Cost varies with insurance without insurance accordance to the set laws for which govern the payment scale of the area. There will also be a payment schedule for the clients that are able to meet the plan. We are not geared to become great wealth from this particular corporation but we know there will be over head that has to pay but our services will be reachable as well as geared not to miss anyone.

Anger Management Classes: These particular sessions are geared to address the emotional as well as the reactive measures of addressing an out of control motion that is triggered from an emotional attack. These particular classes will challenge as well as be informative to help our client achieve control over the emotional attack of anger. This will be address in a three part style of sessions that consist of one on one counseling as well as group measures and face to face with the triggering force combined with a practical solution to bring the client aware of the red flags that will give the best opportunity to achieve maximum assistance to overcome the situations. This will include most of the tools used in the counselor ability to achieve the goal of overcoming the particular need of each client. We know that here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. triggers and understanding the red flags are very important in over coming anger and in that we tailor the sessions or classes to address those particular issues in each client.

  This might take different measures to each individual particular issue and in that gives us a flexible and practical plan that will be suitable for the best ware fare of the client. This might have to bring forth many different avenues with more or one thing than another but the client has to be willing to want to change as well as be willing to go beyond the normal to receive the full benefits of our process. This will be an eight week process with two –three visits a week and the cost will be determine by way of payment.


Family Counseling: This type of counseling will have to most definitely involve more than one counselor at a time as well as more visitations and more intense sessions. As a family we know that each person within the family will have to have their own counselor as well as one counselor becoming as an intermediate for the entire family. This will give us the ability to be able to grasps the fallen pieces and see the difficulties within the family unit and work on the individual problems then as a unit together working as a family. With the family it is hard just to deal with certain issues from the office we have to go within the area of the problem so that we get the first hand experience to achieve the goal set forth by the family as well as be able to give practical principles as well as spiritual standards that will restore the family back to a place for which the unit works in the divine nature of the intention of the most greatest institute that God has given unto man a family. We want the family to be aware that we are just an instrument in the process of healing so we will work closely with the family as not governors but as a tool that is equipped and ready to give practical solutions that will bring forth healing.

  Within this type of counseling we know that it is hard to set forth a time limit as well as to set certain amount of treatment that is needed but as bases of experience we know that from the beginning there would have to be more visits that is needed than at the end of the process. In order to do this we have to have the family to be willing to place us within there family by way of calling and participating in the different exercises that will increase the awareness of the family to see the other members problem with certain issues. We will be willing to go as far as the family is willing to let us go and go further than a set principle because we know that each family operates different but certain principles as well as certain course of action are within every family. From a spiritual point of view we know that the family is most definitely under attack and the enemy is trying to destroy a great institution as the family. We know that God loves the family and in that love is always a better way to restore the family to the unit to its greatest position.


Placing Blame: We are not here to place blame on a particular person within the family we are here to help the entire family address issues that are separating them as a productive unit to the community as well as their spiritual family. We also know that condemnation brings forth negative pattern of thoughts that have a destructive measure and we are not here for that we are here to help to restore life by way of compassion and knowledge and guidance from above that will give us a targeting area so that we have a base line for advancement.

Children In the Family: Within the family we are ready to address the children as well because weather it is seen or not or even understood we know the damage that the destructive pattern of a unfunctioning family plays a heavy burden on the children. Confusion set in as well as a developing pattern of destruction upon the true essence of the children existence as well as taking the blame that might be developing within the children. We here in Spiritual Awareness Inc. know that even the family is constantly trying to keep this away from the children they happen to be within the range of the destructiveness of the family and it will reflect upon them in some shape form or fashion. As well as the effects of the disruption of the family unit not working together might be molding the children character to carry this on in their lives to their own family and we want to be able to address that issue as well.

How to deal with individual issues as well as group issues or family unit issues: Constantly seeking the understanding of what is separating the family we will place our selves to receive the understanding on how to bring forth solutions of practical principles that will be able to handle the fashions of each person as well as how to function as a unit. We here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. understand the different aspects of problems from the trigger to the ability to express it as well as suppress it within and the explosion accrued within one that will disrupt the entire unit. So there are many different areas that have to be addressed there and we are willing to take our time and address each avenue that comes up.


  We know that this particular counseling offers a many different levels of commitment as well as dedication on al parties’ part. We also know that are services is most definitely ineffective with we are unreachable by way of financial devices so we will have measures of payment that will be geared for each and every family. We will be committed to the family as long as we are needed and are welcome as well as continue care after services are needed at a limited need. With sat forth spiritual guidelines as well as knowledgeable information we are confident that what was ordained will be restored as well as anointed to raise to the level for which it was intended to be.


Relationship Counseling: This is a particular confusing area which we intend to shed light upon for that the clients will be fully informed about the principles of who they are as well as how we are intended to function. This will also include alternative life style counseling. Within this we must address true intentions of who we are as well as how to deal with certain emotions and feelings that causes confusions and disruption within a person that pushes them toward a area for which they perceive or believe they belong. To address the issue of the perceive notion of that God must to have made a mistake with me or something as well as addressing in this particular area certain acts that have turn one against themselves as well as others. These sessions or classes will be conducted confidential as well as by an individual bases to give personnel attention to the complicated issues for which this particular style of counseling will have to address. We will be compassionate to the needs of the client as well as the patient that will be needed to face tough issues within this area. Our train staff will be able to proceed within area that will constantly present them so that the fullness of the process will achieve the most for the client. Leading the client instead of pushing the client of labeling the client but excepting the client with a special need understanding.

  Also in this particular style of counseling certain physical condition falls under this style of counseling such as Aids as the counselor will seek all the resources to help the client achieve the most out of their lives as well as how to except what is going on and understand the full relationship value in the principle of controlling the particulars instead of the particular controlling them. As well as other illnesses cancer and other things will fall under this type of counseling and we will be committed to bring the client into the fullness of life that remains instead of focusing on the end results. This style of counseling will also be tailor made for the client that we will work closely with other family members as well as the clients’ doctor and mate to give accurate assessments and give the best process of planning to achieve the greatest results. We will bring in the support teams as well as be associated with outside fashions that are geared in this particular situation that offers other alternative. Our goal is to put together the best plan for the greatest results so we understand that the different organization some times are better for certain clients than our own particular service so we incorporate all for the best results of the clients.

  This particular style of counseling will also have individual cost as well as payment plans as it will be obtainable for each person and works best as the others types of counseling based on the willingness of the clients so this will be based on the willingness of the client’s dedication for their progress because we will use all the tools at our disposal for your greatest potential.


Big Brother or Sister Counseling: This particular style of counseling is comfort counseling as well as inspirational counseling in assisting love ones to insure that they are receiving great attention as well as your love when you are not there. We go into nursing homes as well as residential facilities and take the time to come in and just sit and play certain games as well as assist the family member in participating in the care of there love one. We also help develop different specialized programs with the facility as well as the caregiver to insure proper care is given unto the family member as well as provide and extra pair of ears and hands to the family but a personnel friend unto the love one for just having a person to talk to. We also will work closely with the family member to help one adjust to the new environment as well as understand the order for which things have come up. We also will work with the different social workers to help one upon leaving these types of facility to help with finding housing as well as the housing needs and setting up programs for which will be needed for the individual as well as offering all our services to the client.


We understand the difficult need in the transition from one environment to another as well as the acceptance of the different illnesses that brings a person to this level in there life. We offer help in that area were a train personnel will be able to spend the extra time needed in the explanation of this particular time in there life as well as meet with the facility to help set up a proper plan for the best execution of there individual needs. We will also coordinate with the facility as well as their caregiver and doctors to set up different outings with our services to attend special events as well as different activities that will free for some and very little cost for others for the client. This particular style of counseling is set up by the person for as much of it as they want to be tailor made for the client as well as suggestions from our train staff to increase the greatest results for the clients. This will be at a cost that will be individual based to give each and every person an opportunity to take advantage of this particular service. We also want you to know that this particular counseling can be set up for home participation as well for just plain attention for the love one at home as well as a certain treatment plan set up by the authorization doctor that wants to keep the brain active at a certain level. This particular service is very flexible but we here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. truly know the need of the this type of spiritual counseling for comfort with the family or love one to show the extra love of God to let them know that you love them and this placement is not because I don’t love you but I do and this is why I had to do this. We know how sometimes this will be very hard to relate to the client as well as how to represent this from the love one.


Crisis Counseling: Now with train personnel we will be able to offer our service for different type of particular needs of the community. We will be able to offer our services to help in areas of grief counseling and different personalized counseling that will help authorities to assist in personal attacks as well as domestic counseling to help bring forth a person to address these particular issues. Also with devastation within the community to offer our services to the school systems to give children a outlet to talk to before actions as well as after certain events for comfort. We will also have a Crisis line that will be able to offer phone service to those within area of suicide as well as feeling to much is on them or just need some one to talk to with access to different immediate help from different organization.


  There is much much more that we offering within the community to help assist in all areas of our clients lives to better assist them to achieve the best possible results for their lives. We are dedicated to helping in any way possible and to go far above the standard as Christ we above and beyond. Praise God for you!