Introduction To Truth
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My "Introduction To Truth", because of many reasons, but the main reason is that I need for all to know how I feel about my spiritual belief, as well as my understanding to the gospel. I want you in the beginning to know that I would have some biblical revelations, which unlock spiritual truths. As well as understanding about our true nature. In order to do that I must be clear about my own belief, so that there will be know miss understanding. I am not going to be talking about a denomination nor did putting any other think pattern down. I will be expressing the truth about my awakening, to shed light on the true nature of my belief. I do not attend to offend nor damage any other personnel belief, but if I do it is not me but the truth that hurts and destroys myths.


  First and foremost I want you to know that I am a Christian. Which means "Christ like", I do not pretend to be perfect nor a saint. I do want you to know from the beginning that I do fall short of the mark, but I get up and keep pressing forward. I am no different from anyone else; I have the same desires as well as faults. But I do my best to live by a greed that gives me freedom. You see I learned a long time ago that freedom is not the ability to be seen as equals to others, but something much greater. It is the state of mind which by all means gives the factual bases that I am free from every devices, as well as negative adversities in this world. As well as spiritually have been prepared for the unseen world that awaits me.

  I truly understand the meaning of victory. Not just overcoming obstacles but totally destroying strong holds against me. In that I have total victory. My belief is simple but not for me basic. You see maybe you have heard this before that the word Bible stands for, "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth". For me that is not totally meaningful because when I was homeless, nothing to eat that was not basic in my eye site, when I was stricken with my illness that was not basic for me, when the different trials and tribulations came upon me, basic instruction seem to not even exist for me to have victory. For me the Bible means much more than that, because the Bible told me that "I am not fighting against flesh and blood".  If I am not fighting flesh, then what I am fighting is not basic for me, It further let me know that I am fighting against "demons in heavenly places" and that had no basic input for me. Bible simply means to me "Biblical Intervention Before Losing Everything!"

  I believe in the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the only name given by which men can be saved. I believe that I first must admit that I am a sinner a wrong doer, and I can not save myself, I have to believe by faith that Jesus did exist as well as sitting on the right hand of the Father having all power. I have to belive through grace Christ died on the cross and became sin for me, an accepting that and Him into my heart I will be saved. I know that this is a free gift but there is a price to pay. Jesus paid the price for me and I must pay the price for Him!

  I want you to know I will be tackling some issues that are controversial and will destroy myths and false belief. Though different studies within various institutions I gain several degrees but relish in that fact that my greatest teacher has been the Holy Spirit through studying as well as coming to the Lord down on my knees through struggles of life. Christians are known to be strange people because we do not follow the world pattern but a higher calling which sets us apart from others. In that thought we must be able to be taught and learn how to study the word of God to receive the full riches of life.

  God's word is the key to life and rewards through trials and tribulations that gives us victory over our enemy. So as a believer in Christ Jesus, and a minister called to preach and teach. I will hereby make a stand to all that reads this; I will do my best to be the best God wants me to be. I will pray for all that you do the same. The Bible says: Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God, Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. (1Corinthains 4:1, 2) So lets get moving in praying together for each other.