The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family
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The True Essence


God’s Revelation






  From the beginning I want you to know that not only will this be a book that will produce freedom from the false devices of the enemy that grips the reality of the illusion of family. This will also be a sort of witness for me and a source of relating with some of the reason us as members of the Body of Christ have been shaped and confused about the institution of family. I know that within God’s revelation of His word we receive a peace as well as an understanding of freedom. Which within both we gain tremendous peace that reaches heaven right here on earth. For me my revelation of the understanding is a bit of a journey for which I feel will be an inspiration to some as well as for some a means of understanding such process for which it is of their own. My whole intention is to enhance the Body of Christ and offer myself as a tool for which God uses to increase one’s life as well as call one from the course of eternal damnation. I claim never to be an expert in any field nor do I claim that I am unable to be taught today in the mist of my molding by God. What have increased you will and can increase me as well as visa versa and with that gives me strength and submission to write this book.


  I learn that all teachers, preachers, apostles, ministers, prophets, evangelist, laymen or those that have no title and just consider themselves members within delivering a lesson the best delivery is the one that has experience as well as the trial that goes with the revelation of the particular subject. This subject is very personnel with me and has given me great change in my life and had me to search myself very carefully as well as deeply. I know that the heart is the most deceitful organ within the body to deal with. The Bible says: “Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred;” (Ezekiel 25:15) Also the Bible says: “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.” (Luke 6:45) The Bible also says: “In that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations.” (Ezekiel 44:7) Again the Bible says: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) Another scripture says: “But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.” (Jeremiah 7:24) The Bible also says: “And he also rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him swear by God: but he stiffened his neck, and hardened his heart from turning unto the LORD God of Israel.” (2 Chronicles 36:13) There are many more scriptures that pertain to the heart as well as the deception of the heart that gives an act of action within the trueness of the action.



 I wanted you to see that because this heart is what I used to determine everything in my life. When my time of understanding came upon me in knowledge or better yet when I could understand what was going on around then things started to give and definition to things in my life. Maybe at the age of nine of ten is when I started looking around me and trying to make since of the entire situation. I know that everyone has a story as well been through trials an events in there life that set the course of their destiny. As we develop physically we also develop mentally so my description changed as my mental development changed. It got more and more define as well as more and more distorted because from the start unknowing to me that the thought process started off wrong. Have it ever cross your mine as to how or way you went into a certain direction as you got older and it is not the same direction you started off with. Some of us tell ourselves this because we seriously are not honest with ourselves as we try to tell others about our path. You know what is so amazing that some that is reading these words are now parents are selves and tell ourselves that what happen to us it did not kill us so it is good for our children. We also tell ourselves that it has taken a toil on our lives so much that we raise our children the total opposite of what we were raise and say that too is alright. I had to ask my self which is the greater truth? Is it better that I did not experience what I went through in my childhood and receive children in my adulthood and set the course of raising them with out a tainted thought pattern.


  Have you ever had the responsibility of taking something from start to finish and then after you finish with it give it to the world and say that this is the best that could ever been produce. While you sit in your quiet time or when you are reflecting on the past venture back to your childhood and begin to cry because it hurts so bad. Is there been time that you have been shame as well as so destroyed by the thought of family that you totally stay away from the family. As well as those that have been adopted is there emptiness within regardless how much you try to fill it you will never because you do not even know your family. How is that we use our family to justify our existence but at the same time have nothing to do with the family. Then those that can say yes to two or more of those particular situations we are the first to give another advice on family. Interesting how this particular area of topic brings emotional response within us as well for some it manifest it self in the physical when even some one ask you about your family.


  For me this topic holds many of emotional as well as many different situations in my life comes from the starting point within the conception of “Family”.  The reason that I wish to let you know about certain situations in my life is not for the glorification of my own growth or placement now in the body of Christ I want you to be able to relate to the concept of my thinking in certain situations for your edification. You see for me in order for me to see the revelation of God’s word there was a process of developing the wholeness of the word. The actual living explanation of the word of God where I see it and understand what I see and see the application of God’s word in action. You see in order to receive something from God I have to be seeking God and in seeking God I have to have a particular area or thing that I am seeking for. Most told me that if I just seek God everything will be revealed unto you. I fine that very difficult to comprehend because if that was taken just as it states then all I have to do is to look and beware of God and everything will be alright. As soon as I step into the protective area of the saints then that is when everything caved in.


  I don’t know how your relationship is with your family even if you even speak to your family or what ever I am sure with the surety that God lead my spirit at this time in my life to write this particular book for the edification of the Body of Christ Jesus or those that are not and seeking Him. I know that my story is not the only story as well as my growth is not the only growth so I humble myself to give God the Glory in edification and just is appreciative to being used as a tool for such a purpose. My heart is over whelmed at this very moment that I am sitting in front of a computer and is in the midst of writing about a family since I fashion the thought pattern of the true grasping of the Apostle Paul say: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” (1Timothy 1:14-16) I for a long time within Christ Jesus refer to myself as the Chief of sinners. So am I even worthy of such a responsibility to write a book on God’s most precious institution of family. So I am going to be offering not only my feelings then and now as well as the process of revelation so that the pattern can be seen clearly as well as the true nature of the act as well as my heart. I learned that you can fool a many of people but you cannot fool God in your actions, heart or thought nor in spirit. In know that we try any way. In doing on purpose or not even know we are doing it.


  So there will be a many of issues sensitive to me as well as I will be giving you break through in some areas and repeat backsets in some areas as well as still working through in some areas. I know you are asking your self if all of that is going to be given what possessed me to write about this topic and that is a great question so I will answer it. You see I learn in the Christ that there is a many areas that has to be in the divine order of the set word of God in order not to sin in that area. Now I know that the law do not judge me but God I know that I love Him and do not want to sin against him. I also know that my train of thought is to change once I have received Him I know for some it can happen over night their sainthood as they fill has come. I am writing this because I working in this area and I want you to know that there is someone that can relate to the true essence of telling someone that I am working on it. As they want to tell you if you turn it over to God and let it go and let God it will be alright. Truly I believe that an as well as I believe that this is a daily struggle a daily walk in truth and in spirit. I know that I am not perfect but the growing love for the fellow members in the Body of Christ Jesus I am compelled to write this. Not that everything is neither is all well in my family nor that all is well in my life at this point of writing this book but because this could help others as well as help me. I know and learn that healing is two things instant and consistent in God’s realm.


  So I pray that the time spent in preparing as well as the time and effort in this book will enhance one person’s walk with the Lord as well as bring one to the understanding that it is alright to be working on something and not yet reach the fullness of the area in Christ Jesus. This is my prayer before we get started: Lord God of all creation and things victor over all situations and events as well as the chief corner stone for which everything has it purpose. I summit myself unto the spiritual realm and physical representation to be used for your glory. I pray your will be done in this world perfectly as we come to the knowledge of one God. I receive the acceptance of your precious gift in my life and ask that you decrease me and increase you to release the prophetic words unto your people. I pray that you fine me worthy even in the times of struggle to glorify you and your house instead of misleading and trying to change anything of yours. I know Lord that the process of growth is the jewel of creation for which this is what is used to build your house. Blessed the readers of these words and fulfill their desires for your edification, heal the sick and raise the dead in to life I pray these words in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost thank you an Amen.


  Now prepare your self for the revelation for which God has for you in your life through these words that is called upon from God. I want you to not judge yourself nor compare your self to what I am about to write. I want you to receive what is there for you and take action to gather a closer walk with the Lord and place things within the divine order to receive the maximum blessing from the Lord. Remember that our presence in the Lord through adoption places us in a realm of growth in that growth is understanding and


Wisdom to know that God’s journey in our live is all about the growth. Everyone is called by God for His glory with gifts and talents to be used to edify the body of Christ to glorify the Lord. So here is my calling in preaching and teaching and my talent is writing that I have submitted to the Lord for edification of the Body of Christ for glorification of the Almighty House of God! So let us get started and get ready for a revelation explosion in our spirit for a physical transformation for God’s people edification for His Glory that is proof of our true essence of receiving His revelation for Family.


 I want you to know that If know one has told you today I love you and God loves you most of all and you are something special because God himself molded and created you and knew you before you were even born. He knows and He is there with you right now regardless of situation, circumstance or race, He is strengthen those that know Him and knocking one the heart of those that do not know Him. Let us get started.