On Common Ground

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Witnessing Tools

November 15, 2006


  One of the most strongest thing that is laid upon my heart as a Christain is to be able to reach others with the gospel. I try to do this with many different tools as well with many type of techniques. I truly appreciate anything that I find that has the same dedication to the gathering of God's people and want to make it aware to all. I written a book intitled "Witnessing God's Greatest Commandment" you can see page excerts if you go to the page on the site marked Books of Revelation. I put together this site as a tool to reach people about how to do as well as what to do in the process of reaching others. For the glory of God to save everyone from the righteous judgement of God that is to be passed upon all. God's wrath is swift and just and I want to see all in God's heavenly house and want known to perish.

  When I find other tools to reach out to others I just can not help my self but to tell someone about it. This site is wonderful for the edifying the Body of Christ...

Posted at: 09:17 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

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