Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute
On Common Ground

Our Services and Contact Numbers

This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

Our Mission

What Counseling Service we offer

Contributions and Donations

Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room

Another Great Idea

International Groups/ Help Programs

Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

Help and Research Page

Game Room

Movie House

Guest Book Page

Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


Looks what is Comming Soon

For Online Study as well

as Comming Soon to

the Area

  Hello my dear friends glad that you stop by to see exactly what we are talking about. With much thought and prayer On Common Ground will launch a school for the training and advance training of God's people. Not only are we here to help churches with programs and offer books of revelation but we are going to get right into the middle of the training of those that are going forth into the world. The Apostle spent three years with Jesus Christ before they were sent out, and once they were, God called forth another that even trained them more the Apostle Paul. So we all need training as well as being groomed for the things of God by the word of God. This is what I feel that God is leading us to do today and I Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill claim not to be the best choice to be bringing a Bible Insitute unto the children of God. I will say this that I am willing to sumit myself unto the Lord and folow His lead in my life and I know that all I need to do will be accomplished with the anointing of The Spirit of the Lord.I am truly committed to the furthering of the Body of Christ by growing in the knowledge of God's grace and the understanding of His word and take that unto the world we can be effective in the ministry for which God has called us to do.

   Our school will be accredeted by the World-Wide Accreditation Commision of Christain Education Institutions (WWAC) and upon releasing of this school if anyone want to contact them for verification may write to the WWAC, Dr. Paul Richardson, Executive President, 2800 Blendwell Rd., Richmond, Va 23224 I wish to make it perfectly clear that due to the principle of seperation of church and state MK. 12: 17 and JA. 4:4: 2Cor. 6:14, the WWAC has chosen not to  seek endorsement by either the EAES or COPA, but is a rapidly growing and respected network of Schools on the cutting edge of the Cause of Christ. The WWAC has been averaging over one new school every month without advertising except "word of mouth" and a website on the Internet. Remember in a spiritual sense the highest accreditation any school could have would be the blessing of Divine Providence. Our best accreditation is the successful lives and ministries of our satisfied students. Isn't grasuate performance what it's really all about?

  Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute is deeply committed to providing both quality Bible college programs for lay Christian workers, and seminary training for experienced ministers. Our early courses are for Christians who wish to learn how to integrate Biblical principles into their daily lives, homes and business. Those who want to be a better witness for the Lord and to effectively participate in their local Church community and country. In a sense, every Christian is a minister, in that we are all to serve one another for the Lord's sake and in a way a preacher is just an over- grown Christian. Our latter courses are for ministerial students who already have a basic working knowledge of the Bible, but seek to develop more proficient ministerial skills. We want to be a tool that is here for all to come into the knowledge of Christ Jesus as well as help those to develop a strong base and a strong commitment unto the Lord.

  We are at the starting point now and at the early stage of our development of this school. Regardless we wanted you to know our direction as well as our destiny in the commitment unto the education and training of God's people. We are going to be seeking low prices to the courses as well as quality courses that will enhance and enrich your lives in the Body of Christ. We will offer courses of study beyond the high school level  and beyond. Undergraduate and Graduate programs as well as Honorary Doctorate degrees so we will be widely effective in the reaching of all at all levels of where they are in the growth of Christ Jesus in there lives. Such courses as Basic Bible Study, Full Gospel Fundamentals, Marriage, Divine Godhead, Gospel of Christ, Plan of Salvation, Real love is Spiritual, The Christian Home, Fatherhood, Motherhood, The atrocity of abortion, and much more. 

  So we wanted to let you the readers know what we are doing and are planning and asking that you keep us in prayer as well as in mind if you wish to take your next step in the process of coming into the calling for which Christ Jesus has called you into. Let us know how you feel about this as well so please feel free to contact our leader Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill through email revdrderrickhill@yahoo.com or you can call the office of On Common Ground at 219-951-4727 and let us know what courses you would like to see as well as how you feel about the whole project. We look forward in hearing from you as well as the openning of the On Common Ground Bible Institute For Revelation Teaching. God Bless You.

  We will be ready for our grand opening in March of 2008 if you would like to tell us how you feel about this or want to let us know you are interested here is the email address for you spiritualawarenessinc@yahoo.com and just drop us a line to tell us how you feel about it. This is not about denomination this is simply the word of God teaching without interpretation just God's revelation and we are excited about that. So God Bless and have a great day.