Shelter/Mission Programs
On Common Ground

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This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

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Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

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Another Great Idea

International Groups/ Help Programs

Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

Help and Research Page

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Guest Book Page

Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


Different ways to incorparate the program in shelters/missions

We know here at On Common Ground that there are a many different names and different ideas, and programs forewhich a mission, rescue mission, shelters can operate. The key is for me is to know your community. As well know your needs ability and what particular functions you can perform. Due to start up ability as well as participation from the community or organization for which you represent. Also marketing ability within your own local spiritual community.

Building a Light in the Land of Darkness

The purchasing of the building and the ability to maintain the building while the program is in the early stages is the most critical. We here at On Common Ground know the frustration of getting the funds. An obtaining the right facility, as well as the right area. But here is a great suggestion, as members of faith we must remember to act on that faith.  So why not reach for the biggest and best. Fore which you have enough space available to commit to many different projects within your facility. This comes through the ability to produce the right plan to the right people for a donations. A building or go to the city for old schools that is closed. One of the greatest sayings I have ever heard was "nothing beats a failure but a try".

Many levels

There are a many different levels fore which you could think on in preparing a program for your mission/shelter. From just sleeping the less fortunate as to housing program, to sheltering men and women and women with children, run away teens etc. Remember within this process developes your porfolio to enhance the greatest rewards. Your ability to help your community at large!

Different Stages


With many things there are many different stages you can offer. This will offer different funding at each level. From being able to take one in rehab from drugs to alcohol, as well as training in the job market. Releasing with the ability to become a productive member of the community. Being able to offer one that is hopeless, hope, one that is hungry more than a meal for that day. Give a homeless mother more than a place for that night. Remember your program existence is for the edifying of the Body of Christ Our Lord and Savior. Remember that Christ, Jesus gave Himself unto us an gave us a complete victory package, is it not for you an I to offer the same to those less fortunate than our selves.

With many things there are many different stages you can offer. This will offer different funding at each level. From being able to take one in rehab from drugs to alcohol, as well as training in the job market. Releasing with the ability to become a productive member of the community. Being able to offer one that is hopeless, hope, one that is hungry more than a meal for that day. Give a homeless mother more than a place for that night. Remember your program existence is for the edifying of the Body of Christ Our Lord and Savior. Remember that Christ, Jesus gave Himself unto us an gave us a complete victory package, is it not for you an I to offer the same to those less fortunate than our selves.

Always Give Back

Remember in giving back is the greatest advertising in the world. For others outside the facility to see the remarkable change that God has performed in ones life, by putting them out there for others to see. What greater way to do that by volunteering in the community, fore which they were seen at there worse. What greater way to call some one in by seeing another’s that was just like them, and see them when God get a hold of them.

The Lack of Knowledge has Destroyed Many Nations

Here is also another form of funding as well as a chance to enhance your program. By offering some type of schooling for the community which you live in. GED classes, trade schools, torturing for children which you can incorporate participation, from the community. As well as enhance the ability to show Christ love through education with a Bible College.

God's Dream

There is a many different ways to accomplish God's plan within your dreams. You just have to remember that when God call's you to do something, He will give you  the tools as well as the people to due it. It is our job not to give up and constantly push forward. We here at On Common Ground offer our support, knowledge and prayers to you and your projects within the mission/shelter area. Forewhich we know that God will most asurly bless you and give you wisdom to achieve His ultimate goal, the enhancement of the Body of Chrsit!