On Common Ground
On Common Ground

Our Services and Contact Numbers

This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

Our Mission

What Counseling Service we offer

Contributions and Donations

Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room

Another Great Idea

International Groups/ Help Programs

Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

Help and Research Page

Game Room

Movie House

Guest Book Page

Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


Hello and Welcome



Hello my name is Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill  I wish to be the first to welcome you to this site. First and far most I would like to let you know that you are most surely blessing as well as a joy within this process of growth. Spiritual Awareness is a non-for-profit corporation which is design to enhance the information market of the revelational teaching of the word of God. To do this we will use many anvenues such as teaching and written texts and well as ministering to the need of others with information, and with love to give a warm loving caring feeling here for your enjoyment. My reason for such a site is the on going seeking of knowledge. As well as concern for those looking sincerely for information on particular projects to perform within their community as well meeting others with the same like mind. Within my area of study I am attempting to offer information to those seeking knowledge about different areas. I hope that this site be a blessing to you and your ministry as well as a place to make friends and relax. You are a blessing to the world and God bless you always.

What's all Here

Well now let's tell everything that this site will detail in. I will try to make this site as friendly as possible to the many users that will come and visit. There will be much information about starting missions, or different programs for churches, non-profit organizations as well as games, chat rooms, for Christians to meet one another in true Godly love. As well as links to other informational sites. As well as studies for which I hope will be a blessing to you. As well as a look at recovery from a spiritual point of view. Which I was blessed by being used by God, the author of Spiritual Awareness. A 12 step recovery program that looks at the 12 steps from a spiritual not religious point of view. With various stories to see the actual spiritual side of the steps in action.

  This site will be updated as much as information is received as well as from you asking for different type of help in areas. Along with that there will be a thought for the week posted with the insight to each thought at the end of the week with a personnel touch from me. In the near up coming blessing we will be offering live chat and sessions of TV talks ranging from biblical studies to controversial topics throughout the world today. As well as the biblical links to it all. So we look forward to your comments, suggestions as well as your emails. MY email addresses revdrderrickhill@gmail.com.


Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill

Just a home shot to make it more nicer to place a name with a face

What is On Common Ground?

  On Common Ground is the housing place for the beginning. This is area for which we build to house our incorporation Spiritual Awareness Inc. Spiritual Awareness Inc. is non for profit incorporation that was designed and brought to life through the trails and tribrulation of the terrible afflection that there is no other name for it but addiction. We use the 12 steps from a spiritual point of view and not a religous one. We truly understand that building from a spiritual level will produce a physical results that will be the center point of over comming ones cotinuing cycle of addiction. Not just one addiction but them all. This is just another tool to help some one stay free and focus to become a productive member of society.We are as well a counseling service and we handle many different avenues for helpful service unto the community as well as those struggling with their addiction. We pride ourself on being a information incorporation that will help to uplift as well as elevate God's people. There are many pages here to review as well as some tools to help one study the word of God and movies as well as books that are great inspiriation and tools for life on life terms. So enjoy and God Bless you all!