Our Mission
On Common Ground

Our Services and Contact Numbers

This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

Our Mission

What Counseling Service we offer

Contributions and Donations

Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room

Another Great Idea

International Groups/ Help Programs

Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

Help and Research Page

Game Room

Movie House

Guest Book Page

Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


 We have established God's love for His people to demonstrated by way action within the communities with meeting the needs of the people.




  Spiritual Awareness Inc. is a Domestic-Not-For-Profit Corporation that is active since November 21, 2000 based out of New York State the county of Erie. We based this company not for profit to provide the best possible service to the most limited people across the country to show are dedication unto the people instead of the money. Spiritual Awareness Inc. is dedicated to spiritual counseling as well as getting out information on the revelation of God’s word for application within ones life today to manifest itself in the physical change for victory. We will be reaching people by many different avenues for which will draw those in need unto us so we can offer a complete care for our society need. We know the need for food shelter as well as education and training. We want to be able to take a person from the streets and release them back into society as a full functioning individual that has the capability to succeed in this society as a productive person. To be fully aware mentally as well as physically and with a purpose and a goal that is obtainable within there ability to reach heights for which they can achieve as well as set to be seen and viewed as a productive member of society. Our ultimate bottom line is to bring one into the fullness of the body of Christ Jesus into the salvation of the Lord. But we here know that this is the most important part about our mission.


  We know here that the most forced issue within our society are hidden dens of death traps that have seductively destroyed our society by polluting the minds of the very ones that are specially gifted within their own self. To be mentally attacked with false undertone of destruction that has destroyed the moral fiber of this generation as well as those coming. Without a strong front of sincere people of God making a haven for which one can come and receive the necessary tools for basic livings within this system we have not even begin to scratch the surface. Without us beginning fully equipped with the knowledge of the system for which individuals are living in as well as resources to meet those needs that the true essence of the power of God will not be revealed unto these individuals that will allow us to bring them into the flow of the anointing of God within their lives. So we set are mission within these varies avenues that will be able to reach and meet needs within the home as well as the schools as well as activities that will show worth unto themselves to strive to reach dreams within their own anointing. We are not here within our mission to push god down anyone throat but to show the power of God through dedication, love, determination, as well as wisdom and knowledge that will draw one unto us and ask those immortal words spoken “What must I do in order to be saved?”


  Our Mission is design to carry the message in action by way of the demonstration of the application of the word of God in ones life demonstrated unto another. Our programs of feeding as well as housing and counseling and concerts and parties and special programs are all design to edify the Body of Christ to glorify The Lord of Lord King of Kings Christ Jesus our savior. If we stand on the word of God and reach beyond for which we stand and strive to reach the world with the power of God our mission will never end but will always prosper by way of bringing the lost unto the loving embrace of Christ Jesus. We are going into the hospitals as well as the nursing homes and the streets as well as the jails to bring them in those that are lost in the chemical abuse as well as changing the minds of those that are depressed and as well as those that are confused on the family situation and in many other areas. We will not be satisfied in where we are we will always be dedicating more and more to the elevating of the Almighty God and drawing all those in our contact unto the Body of Christ Jesus. Constantly educating our children in the righteous way of respect as well as the understanding of education is the building block of breaking strong holds of the enemy that will hinder your next generation coming. Our Mission is simple to do what it takes to bring one to the position of being able to make a clear cut decision to follow either high or except what is low. To present our selves as a representative of the Most High God to stand in the gaps that hinders one from coming in out of the storm. We want to be that light in the land of the wilderness letting the world know that it is for all to come in and be healed by way of accepting the healer regardless of the illness.


  We truly understand that sometimes we must be willing to go beyond the normal and each person will be look at as an individual and not as a group or a certain pay status. Here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. we will treat each and every person as a millionaire and give them the best treatment possible. We also know that sometimes that will cause us to go out of the norm which means that we might have to do sessions out of the home as well as meeting clients at school as well as jobs and reach further out than the average. We are willing to sacrifice our selves and our time to commit to our clients the best possible service that has been ever created. We shall never give up nor say nothing is to much or nothing is to hard for us to do for a person that is under our care from visiting in hospitals, jails, nursing homes, where ever they are we are to represent the love of God as well as their welfare first instead of the money value for which the system might wish to pay. Our Mission is our life our life is who we truly are and that is simple the children of God and He commanded us to reach out unto to others teach and preach and Sheppard. We have found our place to do exactly what we suppose to be doing and this is counseling others in all areas of their lives. To create the ability for one to see the true essence of God be put into action by God’s people to let the world know that we do love you. We are determine to offer the best service possible to all of the people within our ability those that know Him and those that do not know him regardless of denomination or creed. We are here for your edification by way of demonstration of the Love of God that brought us to the place of the redeeming power of understanding that when we see you we know that it is by grace that I see me.