Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room
On Common Ground

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Introduction To Truth

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Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room

Another Great Idea

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Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

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Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


What is Recovery?




Here at On Common Ground we look at every thing from the true nature of its existence. We try to see what is really there instead of what others try to program us to believe. We have heard that recovery simply do not mean that you are cured, just means you can live a free life, free from the source of your addiction. That simply what ever has beaten you that you cannot beat it.  You can only arrest it and it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

  We here believe not in other truths, we simply believe in the only truth. You see recover simply means that you have been cured and that is all. We know that our Savoir and Lord stripes paid for our victory over every type of illness. As well as affliction. We know that the true nature of the addiction is not the tool used for destruction, but the motivator behind the whole process. We are simply telling you that you have to look directly at the problem and see it to recover truly from it. Victory is not in our hand, but the hand of the deliver and we receive it through grace. When we speak of addiction we are speaking of all manner of destructions, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling etc.

  In the beginning we told you that we will be focusing on a particular area, and that was Gary Ind. We know that one of the major issues is funding in recovery. We here at On Common Ground know that there are many hurdles in this area. For instance, what program to use, and how to set up a program. I was blessed to have written a manual called Spiritual Awareness for which I am the CEO and President and founder of the non for profit organization. Its looks' at the 12 steps through a spiritual point of view not a religious one for which we know that is the only way to victory!!

This is our symbol Are you Ready to Fly

We know that our whole understanding comes from exactly who we are and our true make up. We know without a doubt that we are three part beings, body, mind, spirit. Within those are the components that give us the ability to truly understand this affliction. That there is know other name for it but addiction or is it. We know that there is a part that can be control that will take charge of all three and lead us in one way or another.

  You see what makes a person get up when they do not want to and do things they do not want. What is it that changes a person’s whole identity and forces them to accept things that are destructive and never change there pace? How is it that a person can not see their own destruction, but at the same time know it is destroying them and they cannot stop? Within all addictions there is one common ground fore which we learn that the battle is not physical but spiritual acknowledgement that triggers a physical reaction.

  You see the common understanding is that at one time the federal government decided that those addicted to drugs, an alcohol, could not be help so they gave them SSI checks. A few years later taken the Big Book of AA and a copy of the King James Version of the Holy Bible and deemed that was not true. Stop paying for such an addiction and cut them all off of SSI. Interesting in one moment you are to ill to be cured and the next you can. But here is the catcher that the spiritual based programs do better than the state regulated programs, now why is that.

  We truly know the nature of the problem and in knowing the nature we know the correct path of treatment!!!! There are many programs that help but I ask you will you like to defeat a problem or just arrest it.


Step One The Truth

Here for example in step one; we find hidden truths that are revealed here in the program of Spiritual Awareness. The first step is: We admit that we are powerless over our addiction and our lives our unmanageable. Here we find that in the spiritual understanding that what ever is controlling our spiritual area is controlling our physical out put. So we take a serious look at our spiritual nature and call it for what it is and pursuit a realistic goal of victory.

  We know that this concept is meaningful and rewarding in our pursuit of recovery, and in that is the starting base for the truth. This and much other type of recovery plans can be implemented within the structure of the shelter program as well as mission fields. This in return can offer different types of funding as well as spiritual rewards.


This chat room was added just incase you come here and there is no one in ours then here is one with members there most of the time. Just click on the button and enjoy.

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  This is our recovery book for which is heart written spirit lead and God sent for you and I to recieve the victory we are looking for in our lives. We have to remember that recovery is a complete victory over what ever and the basic elements are the same. We are simply saying come with us and take this journey with us to set one free and have total and complete victory in ones life. I know as we all know that you will be blessed and fully restored on this journey of a lifetime. This book is ready for purchasing at www.wordclay.com just search for it by name or under the author's name Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill where you will see other works by him as well. The cost of this particular book is $15.00 and we will be looking for you on the journey of victorious living. God Bless

We Will try to keep the room with someone there 24 hours a day if you like to help that mission be succesful please send an email or use our messenger service. Email revdrderrickhill@yahoo.com and become a moderator. Some days Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill is there moderating so come in a chat with him