This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about
On Common Ground

Our Services and Contact Numbers

This is what On Common Ground and its symbol about

Our Mission

What Counseling Service we offer

Contributions and Donations

Introduction To Truth

Missions and Different Programs

Beginning of the Mission

Shelter/Mission Program

Spiritual Awareness Recovery Page and Chat Room

Another Great Idea

International Groups/ Help Programs

Spiritual Awareness Revelation Bible Institute

Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

Tribes of Isreal

Background Information for the starting point of The Twelve Tribes of Israel

East Side

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

Bible Study Page for all to enjoy and Help Tools

Help and Research Page

Game Room

Movie House

Guest Book Page

Just a little extra and a special chat room


More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


Spiritual Awareness Inc. Symbol

The Story behind the name and the Symbol

  Hello I wish to take this time to let you know exactly what we stand for and what we are doing and our future plans are. On Common Ground is not a religion nor a different denomination it is simply a love that I have for Jesus Christ, and the yearning desire to share what I have with the world. I created this site for a place for all to come saved and the unsaved for an opportunity to enteract with those that are full of love and compassion for the fellow man as Christ was for us all. I wanted a place to where no one feels left out so that is why I created such an enormous site with a lot to do. On Common Ground is just what it sounds like a place for all to come without judgment nor anyone pointing a finger because we all are sinners and there is non righteous no not one. I wanted a symbol that recognized all of that and I found it in the rainbow. So our symbol represent something that we all can understand but none of us can produce. Represent the freedom to believe that there is and must be a God in heaven to have created such a beautiful thing as the rainbow for His greatest creation to enjoy and that is you and I. No matter of color disability, nor job or how much you have or do not have, nor the way that you practice your belief. This is the site and the symbol for all.

  I believe that the love of God that sent His only begoten Son is for everyone and we here at On Common Ground is committed to that. Soon we will be a non-for-profit organization for which we will never advertise for funds. We will offer ways for the community here to make an impact around the world. The founder and captain of this ship is God Almighty Himself and we are following Him. Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill is the one given the honor and grace from God to start this project but it will be you and I that will be tools used to carry it around the world till the end of time. So we would like to simply say welcome one and all to the area for which we all shall stand some day in front of the throne of grace for which we call On Common Ground. God Bless

  We call are site On Common Ground for the relationship that all is welcome because we are welcome within the Body of Christ Jesus. Christ died for all of us that is willing to follow Him. We are dedicated here at Spiritual Awareness Inc. to show that love unto all as well as teach and train everyone within our contact area how to express that love live in that love and give that love to all they come incontact with. We here know that it was loving Christ first is how we learned to love you all and in that holds the embrace of the Grace of God. Our symbol represents all of that unto the world as love power and grace of God working through us to place into everyone we are in contact so that they can pass it on. I welcome you all here to Spiritual Awareness Inc. website On Common Ground.

Email Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill

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