Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"
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Books to reveal "Revelation not Interpretation"

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Biblical Principles for Life Diversites

Biblical Principles for Life Diversities

The True Essence of God's Revelation for Family

Witnessing God's Great Commandment

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Biblical Principles For Life Diversities

The catapus for this particular book when God inspired by way of another asking a question, so let me ask you: "Give me some scriptures to defend my self against the adversary." We truly know that God's word will repell as well as draw unto Him, but only if we are using it for the Glory of Him. In that we know we have to have His revelation to place in action in our life, by hiding the word in our heart. How do we do that? Simply understanding the revelation and appling what was revealed. This will be ready for your spiritual tool for your daily walk with the Lord soon. Written by Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill.  This Book will be ready for purchasing on Novemeber 21, 2006 Tuesday by clicking the link if you have trouble with the link at the end of this message  you can go to the website  go to book store page and search either by title or book name. The purchasing price will be eight dollars and fifthy cents from that website. If you wait around March the book can be purchased from Barns and Nobel, Amozon.Com as well your spiritual stores by way of ordering for ten dollars. You will recieve a savings from Xilibris so get it before the holidays for your self as well as for a friend or a family member. ( Right now You can order by  Email: Fax: 610.915.0294 Telephone: 1.888.795.4274 x479 Mail: Xlibris Corporation; International Plaza II; Suite 340 ; Philadelphia , PA 19113 in 48 hours you can go to the website and follow the orders above this way of ordering is good at anytime. From the website can start Wednesday November 22, 2006. Order now give plenty of time to stuff stockings for the New Year. What better gift to give than God's eternal word that will constantly give back.) (This will link you to the direct page for purchasing of material )

                     (click on picture to read a few chapters of this book)


Commentary "Kata Matthanion" According To Matthew

This commentary is exploding with God's revelation unto the Body of Christ, not man's interpretation. This allows the Body of Christ to receive power which will move mountains in our life. This is a verse by verse breakdown of God's word by way of looking up those words that we think we know what they mean as well as their etmology of the word, so that we can recieve God's revelation. This will be a wonderful addition to your collection for studying preparing lessons as well as much, much more! 

 This will look at the essence of The Book of Matthew as its true revelation for you and I as well as the Body of Christ. Gives great insight to why this particular letter was chosen? As well as the hidden keys that will unlock an ultimate spiritual blessing for which the power of the revelation for which you will walk in will completely change lives. Remeber that God's word has a purpose a meaning for which you an I have to study the word to fine. And once found will release such power that will rock the foundation of Hell! This Kata Matthaion According to Matthew Chapter 1-7 Wisdom will set you free and it will be a blessing to have and study as well as grow with. You can find this material at search for Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill and all of the books will appear.


  (Click on book cover read the introduction and recieve a blessing)

The True Essence of God's Revelation of Family


Within the Body of Christ somethings were brought in that was not supposed to stay. Many of us still hold on to those worldly opinions on certain issues and I found that Family is one area. The second greatest gift unto mankind. This particular book will give you each person's placement within the word of God and their function to receive the maxium blessing from God for which is ready to pour out upon you and your family. Remember God has a Divine Order for us in that is power to withstand the enemy attacks. Written by Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill .This material is being worked on and is getting ready for release and we want to give you a little example of the contents and share with you the new Title just click on the picture. We want you to know that this particular book is closer to ready than you think. On or about October 17, 2007 this particular book will be ready for the recieving so mark your calander and get ready for this wonderful inspiring power back book to add to your library.

  The process is easy go to then go to the book store search by author's name (Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill) or book title and order there and the process will be complete. I suggest that you add this particular book to the Christmas list for your friends and family as soon as possible.

          (Click on Picture to view chapter one)

Created the Series

This is the first in a three part series of simply a particular area of looking at how one views what they see and how the mind views it as well. Not a Biography but a Mentalography. The following of one person's life through their experinces, see exactly what is going on in the thought process and just see how our emotions, feelings as well as situations and circumstances molds one's mind. This will be ready soon for your collection.  written by Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill.

Now the first book in this series is ready for purchasing, just go to the end of the paragraph here and it will show you how to order from along with a number you can call as well. This is an intersting series for which I want all to know that this is very special to me.

Dedication Page


 This entire series is dedicated to the most uplifting source of pure love and power within my life, for which God, Himself gave unto me as a reminder to His greatness of life. I wish to tell the readers and all the world that I truly am blessed to have had one of God’s greatest gifts given to me for which inspired, moved, grew me, healed, and brought me joy and laughter along with some great memories. Which gave me what the meaning of true love and for that I am truly grateful. I wish to say that this entire series is dedicated to my late wife Christine Orange Hill (September 26, 1939 – June 26, 2003) for whom I had the honor and the pleasure to be married to for 20 years of my life. This enhanced my life to the fullest and brought forth in me the ignition that brought me back to God.   I loved her in the beginning, the middle, as well as I love her now and forever. These books Created, Creation II, and the Continuing Explosions, are dedicated to you my dear for I know words that can describe the joy you given me. Always remember you are in my heart, my mind, my dreams, that I love you and Thank You for loving me.    In my life I have had many experiences after my wife passed some good and some bad as well as met many people and remarried several times since my wife have passed. But now I understand that I constantly was looking for a replacement of her in all of them for which I know today it was truly wrong. One of the hardest things is to lose someone you love and in that you are constantly looking for something and someone to replace that emptiness for which is impossible. In my journey I learned that there is only one replacement and that is Jesus Christ. I also know that the transformation of this particular thought is what will be revealed in this particular book for which I am willing to show you. This is not necessary based upon me or it could be but what it will show is how certain elements are transformed.   I want you all to know the readers that I am truly appreciative that I am used to bring this forth unto you so let us go forth to the journey for which there is no other name for it in the universe but ……………………………. Created

Your admire,

Your friend,

Your lover,

Your Husband,

Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill

Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill


Click on the book cover and preview first chapter 

Now the process is simple for the ordering of this particular book just go to and go to the book store page and search either by title or by author's name (Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill) and place in credit card information and it is complete. 


Witnessing God's Greatest Commandment

This particular will give an awakening into the spiritual revelation on the calling for which God has placed upon the life of His follower. To be His "Witness" unto the world as well as; give three different types of witnessing style. To enhance one's ability to see a situation for which God places one in, to spread His word to another. This will be ready real soon for your collection. Written by Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill, inspired the spirit to pass along to edify the Body of Christ. Just click on the cover and read an insert out of the book. At this moment is in preparation to be ready to be delivered to you. If you will like to read a few pages just click on the picture. This book in the process of being released for your own library and blessing.

  This particular material will be ready and we are most proud to annouce it to you for your collection on October 17, 2007 at the low price of 15.00. We will be looking forward to you adding this to your library and passing it on to friends. Now the process is simple for the ordering of this particular book just go to and go to the book store page and search either by title or by author's name (Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill) and place in credit card information and it is complete. I suggest that you order quickly for the Christmas list for family and friends. What better gift to another than the eternal Word of God to bless a person with.

     (Click on Picture to view a few pages of this book)

Study of the 12 Tribes of Israel

This will be a wonderful enhancement for your library as well as your revelation of simply "Who You Are." This will reveal some powerful revelation unto you as we walk through the Old Testament and gather the revelation that reveals Christ Jesus' perfect "Character" that the gospels focus on the "Charateristics" which blosom from the traits which the tribes revealed. The Old Testament being revealed as not the book of History But What! This book will be ready soon. written by Rev. Dr. Derrick Hill. (This particular project is at the print shop click on picture to view some of the material and be Blessed.) This is the actual cover for the book as well as production will be soon. If you want to check on sale as well as order please go to to order one to a thousand. Get ready because the blessing is almost here. Get ready to sruff you stocking this book will be ready for purchasing by December 03, 2006 by going to and go to book store page and do a search by name or by book title and remember this particular tool will be helpful for those that are seeking a closer walk with the Lord. Make a great stocking stuffer. Or if you like you can try this link and go directly to the page there is a savings from buying directly from the publisher as well. So stuff a few stockings with God's word.

     (Click on picture to view some pages of this book)

God's Greatest Warning to the Church and Prosperity

This particular book was wrote out of heart warming penetrating pain for the churches. As I look around and ask the question what is the definition of Church. My heart was torn to shreds from some of the answers that I recieved and some of the looks. I dedicate this book to a friend of mine name Donna for which is a vision for which my pastor has laid upon his heart and have pressed upon mine. Pastor Alex Wortham a man with much vision and compassion for the Body of Christ that is suffering with much Pain. I know this book will be a blessing to the church as well as to the Body of Christ as a whole.

This book is ready at Remember two ways to search for book by titile or by my name Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill this will be a blessing to you and a must for your library. Enjoy and God bless you all you are in my prayers and my heart.

(Click on book cover to read chapter one)

Principles and Revelations of Prayer

 This book is based on the revelation of prayer revealed to me from what we know as the Lord's Prayer. When the inner circle asked Jesus to teach us to pray Jesus replied pray in this manner. I used the particular scriptures from the Apostle Mathew chapter six for which revealed unto me the principles as well as the revelations of the power of prayer. I was compelled by the spirit to share this particular knowledge of revelation with the Body of Christ that is so explosive that mountains can and will be moved.

  I was inspired to write this book after witnessing one of the greatest events for which I was blessed to see. In life the key to the power of the Heavenly Host is to be in the right position for the right reason doing the right thing for the elevation of the Body of Christ. I saw this in a covering over the Miller Beach Residential Care Facility for which I am recovering in. This was seen within a partiuclar person that revealed the extension from mother to daughter that exploded within me. The nurse name is Donna for which I choose to call her "Hero" and her mother is her boss named Peggy. These two combined as a covering over the facility that is not perfect but in their weakness the Lord uses them to make perfection. Donna being placed within a facility in a place that is so right for her that the explosion is expressed within everyone she comes in contact with. Her mother's love explodes around them which makes them a force to be reckon with and this was my inspiration for which I dedicate this book to them.

  All I can say that what I seen and felt between the two was a covering of prayer which has lifted my spirit and gave me the ability to go on. So all I want to say to them is thank you for which I am truly greatful to them both. I learned that the facility weakness God uses to show His strength is perfect in them. I again thank them both and I am greatful to them and bless them and theirs forever. This particular book will be ready by the end of January for purchasing for which I will dedicate and give the first copy to Donna (Hero) and her mother Peggy for their dedication an expertise for which I am truly greatful for. God Bless and I know that this particular book will be a blessing to all as it was a blessing to me to write.

   This will be a blessing to you and yours to enhance your relationship with the Father as well as make a great gift. You can go to and search by book title or by my name Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill or you can call 1-877-655-1720 Monday thru Friday. I know you will be bless so enjoy.

              (Click on picture to read first chapter of this book) 

What is Forgiveness and its Functions and Destructions

This particular book will address the most effective tool within the Heavens that gives us victory over the adversary in more ways than one. We will look from the beginning to search the scriptures for the essence of the power of the awesome tool for which only the Heavenly Host can give. You and I in the Body of Christ will see the functions of Forgiveness as well as the Destructions it causes as well. We will fill outselves with the awesome knowledge and release this power into our spirit which will cause a chain reaction more powerful than any tool ever been created by mankind. This is the power of Heaven.

  This book is so essential to the Body of Christ for total victory spiritually that manifest itself physically that the very foundation of Hell shakes as if a atomic bomb had hit it. I want to bring unto the saints the revelation that will unlock wisdom that will break chains and shed light on the enemy infiltration into ourselves. This will be a great journey and looking forward to you take it with me. God bless and this book is in the process to be release to the world.

                       Click on picture to review the first chapter

This book is also ready now for the adding to your collection at

You are a Blessed People you want to become a Blessing to People

   This particular book will be a blessing to your soul as well to the Body of Christ to birth a revelation that will carry forth and bring forth massive fruit that will be abundance not only to them but their seed. We have to remember that every one have the given right to one thing and is being blessed. But we as members of knowledge and members of the Body of Christ are growing in grace in the knowledge of Jesus Christ know that we are blessed and accept that a birth being a blessing.

  This book will answer a pertanent question what is the difference of being blessed and a blessing an eye opening revelation that will give utterance that we are who we say we are.

This book will be ready in the middle of March and believe me it will be a must have for your library.

              Click on picture to read a little of chapter one