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More books on the Revelation of the Word of God


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Creation II

  This is the second book in the Creation Series that is dedicated to my late wife in her loving memory Christine Orange Brook Hill. This is a series that is looking at one's life through the mental eye. As the reader enjoys the emotional rollercoater ride as well as the growth pattern of life. This is one that is not to be judge but to be accepted and enjoyed to have the opportunity to live life once again through another mental eye.

  I want you the readers to know that the enjoyment of writing this book is not for the study of thought in children or the developmental stage of human thought but as a way of healing and a way of restoration. To be able to see life grow from the mental aspect is just a joy to itself. I want to thank you for your time in reading this material and enjoy. You can get this particular book at just type in the author's name Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill or search by title. I thank you and give you my prayers and blessing at all times. And check out the rest of our library so enjoy.

  The Unchanging Introduction of the Magnificent of the Person of The Holy Ghost

This particular book is dedicated to Perman Davis, Johnny Roland, and Carlos, who of course is a Jr. for they were used by the Lord himself by way of the Holy Ghost to inspire me to write this wonderful book. I truly was blessed by our conversation and indepth focus on life situations and events as well as the search of the true essence of the word of God. I know I was bless to have been used to write this book and I know you the reader will be blessed as well. You can seek orders at and search by name or by author Rev. Dr. Derrick A. Hill and place orders right there. I know you will be blessed for the seeking and recieving the true essence of the word of God in it true intention for you and I. God Bless and thank you all.

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